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11 Days

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I am ready for the fight,
Ready to be the Warrior,
And to fight for your Honour.

Deep in my bones
My biggest fear
Is not that I lack the Strength,
Or the Resolve,
Or even the Courage,
But that I lack Cunning,
That I will stand
Ready for the fight,
Ready for the onslaught,
On the wrong hill.

So now my Dearest One,
All that I ask of you
Is to hear your voice,
Is that you not remain silent
When offended,
When frightened,
When in peril,
But that you wave your scarf
From the tiny tower window,
And make your torment known,
So that I may throw down the dragon,
Rend the sorcerer in two,
And leave the giant without his head.

I am ever for you,
Always willing to risk everything for you,
Never hesitant to step forward on your behalf.
Your beauty makes the jealous sun
Hide behind the mountains.
Your elegance rivals the full moon
On a clear autumn night.
Your gentleness, your confidence,
The fire in your bones
Serves only to fuel the fire in my heart.
Your quiet-nature compels me to draw you out
And when you speak
I feel as if I could fly to the heights of the clouds,
Humbling them with my laughter.
Who could this be
That would move me
To cast open the gates of my heart
Without regard of consequence?
You alone, my Dearest One,
Now and for always.

© 2003 (15 july) john r. chase

"wild at heart"? oh, if only you knew...