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How much longer?

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I find,
   in quiet reflective times,
  when everything's still,
   and the wild, varied rhythms of my heart
    synchronise into one,
   and all the wanderings of my soulful thoughts
    gather and come to rest in one place,
   and I begin to hear every emotion,
    as my heart trembles,
      pent up with tender passion,
   and I can then truly perceive
    that the skin of the bubble
    has been stretched so thin
      that one glancing, feathery touch
    would bring on the demise of my restraint
      and would betray my soul's haunt,
       and would release the flood
       of a sea of raging affection,
      and would engulf us where we stand,
       and carry us away,
   and it then becomes clear
    that any effort to gently tap this force
      so that it may begin as only a trickle
       and then slowly, over time grow
         into a steady flow
       as it should,
    would appear hopeless,
that I'm asking myself,

   How much longer?

© 2001 (23 may) john r. chase

let it settle a bit, comments will be forthcoming...