ix :: prev :: next :: Your presence is like a soft, sweet song Like a song skillfully played Like the fragrance of the flowers on a warm spring breeze So is the aroma of your coming And like a cool autumn morning So your presence refreshes and invigorates me Yet who can control your coming? Or who may say, "You are here, no there?" For you come like the rushing of the wind The effect is seen and felt, but it itself is unseen No one can bottle you, or reduce your effect You are more than words and emotion combined And even the words you give to us as a guide They are so limited compared to your expanse How can I know you, what must I do? Should I sell all that I own to gain you? I would gladly forsake all that I know That I might understand just one facet of your being In vain men seek after treasure and power The whole length of their day is a lost cause For they have chosen a foolish path Truly, they have abandoned wisdom and learning Their hearts remain never satiated Wanting always more and more How foolish are their actions and their deeds For suddenly they will be destroyed All their bitter labour to gain what is meaningless Has been for another, to line the pockets of a stranger If only they would have followed When you called and walked on I find sympathy for them Compassion for the wayward soul I ask that I might be used as a beacon of your glory A wonderful thing that you would use a worm such as I For I am broken and filled with blackness I writhe at the stench from my soul I have no use for my life My failures are replete I come to you in my humbled state Brought low before all that see I plead for you to bring meaning to this life Only you can redeem what is certainly lost Your waters are full of life You refresh the weak and the weary I must know you, I have no other purpose In your words are life and death I will yet sing of your faithfulness Before all men will I lift up my voice For truly you will bless me forever And I am yours from this day forth and forevermore © 1998 (10 june) john r. chase