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i hear the drumbeat, i feel the rush
i'm pulled up every morning
by the noise of it all

i thought i would be somewhere else today
thought i would see a different reflexion
but then i was shaken by what i saw

i'm getting to the bottom of this thing
i won't give up now that i'm so close
if i can just keep it straight in my head

i see what's likely, i see what's not
i reach for what my eyes behold
and find i'm still hanging on too hard

i push and struggle, bump and muddle
here in the darkness so bright i can't see
and 1000 lying voices all speaking the truth

i see the paint is wearing thin
the walls are starting to show through
the ancient graffiti was there all the time

i have forcefully discovered many roads,
all seemingly going to cities of light
but with eyes closed, i perceive there is truly just one

as expected, the answer is so simple
the way out so close it was breathing on my neck
i just needed to turn around

the darkness is unnerving, makes me itch,
but these things take time, don't they,
a profound instant in the darkness won't get me out

so now i want to rest, lay down my head
sleep for a while, on this damp pillow,
and dream again of flying

© 2001 (17 october) john r. chase

i know you'd like to know what this means - when i found out, i'll let you know...