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life can seem so small,
like a diorama,
with miniature trees,
and fuzzy green turf.

and the routines of life
order every movement,
squish our dreams
of finding fame,
and being safe,
and feeling warm.

how long is too long to be alone?
how about three decades,
and as many years.
but no more!

i'm not alone anymore,
life is not small anymore.

when i pray,
the walls push back,
and my hands grow to the size of a planet,
and i feel as if the expanse of space could not contain me...

when i'm with you,
life is big,
and there are no limits,
and i can take off all my armour,
for you protect my tenderness, and
my soul is safe in your care.

© 2001 (11 december) john r. chase

sound like a twilight zone episode? no, believe it, it's real. . .