Tell me again... :: prev :: next :: Tell me again it wasn't true Tell me again it was wrong Tell me again I was deceived And that my heart got the best of me Tell me again I'm lost in a memory Tell me once more I've been a fool Let me hear these words again and again And perhaps one day I'll believe them Tell me I should rip my heart from my chest Tell me I was drunk with emotion Say to me that I was lead blindly to destruction And that I should desire to be set aright Let me hear the words of God and man Let me have their thoughts run races in my head Continue to badger me with the truth Perhaps it will again take root in my heart Never before have I known such a schism Not ever has my heart rebelled with such vigor Neither has all that I held been questioned Or has my heart been weighed before the masses Until this time I was unaware I truly have not known the truth That my heart was so far from my mind And desired so greatly something forbidden So tell me now I must have everything taken Tell me again I should return to the beginning Tell me I will find strength when that time comes For now I am desolate and weak Sing to me your words of comfort Console me with songs of life Give to me your words upon words That I might drown and cease to live Tell me again there is hope for a new day Tell me once more I will forget the pain Tell me once again that my step will be lively And I'll run for the prize with perseverance Tell me again I was wrong Tell me again I deceived myself Shout to my heart these words of life Or I will forever be face down in despair © 1998 (23 april) john r. chase