the sound my head makes :: prev :: next :: he studied the sound calculated and analysed he determined the differentiating factors it began to make sense but still it couldn't be copied because its progeneration was not from anything mechanical no mathematical formula but instead from deep inside from the pain of childhood for they are still only children and he'd had no pain his pain was more recent and it had already been milked and from the distance created by the fall and he's been closing that gap since very young but there was a time there used to be something inside there were moments when it would gush and it amazed even him he'd even tried to squeeze it again through words like these and it made him feel better yet now his world has become one of lines and numbers and wires and clicks and pointy headed masters pretending to be doing something meaningful and speaking in a political tongue all whilst running in a fury for the edge of eternity okay, I feel a little better now © 1999 (23 june) john r. chase