melissa b. :: prev :: next :: where are you, today? what does your life look like? if you saw me would you know who i am? have you thought of me even once over these many, many years? would you imagine, or even care, that i think of you from time to time? perhaps my view of you is too idealist because we never had the chance to discover each other. i just remember how everyone would pick on you and it hurt my heart. and i remember that ball we rolled on the bus the first day we met and how i thought you were much younger than you were. i remember your curly hair, and the tone of your skin. i remember you telling me of your home state - little did you know of my romantic notions about new england. i remember we lived in the same town, and the day for some odd reason you got dropped of before me and i got to see where you lived. do i have this crazy, romanticised notion about us because we never were, never fought, never hit the brick wall of incompatibility? it's just one more thing on that long, long list of if i just knew what i needed to do i would do it. . . but for now i'll stop all the philosophical meandering and simply say, Hello. For whatever it means, I haven't forgotten you. Have you me? © 2001 (1 october) john r. chase